HTMA Vitality Single Sessions

Minerals are a KEY foundation for health. The spark plugs that ensure our body is running on all cylinders!

The Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis is a hair sample screen test that takes an in-depth look at your mineral status, metabolic rate (fast or slow), blood sugar balance, thyroid and adrenal activity, immune system and stage of stress and your stress levels.

Why hair? Our hair is a soft tissue and absorb 10x the mineral levels than our blood. Think of a hair test as a 3 month personal record of mineral expenditures, and toxic metals that are deposited in soft tissue. From this we can learn how quickly your body is absorbing and excreting nutrients, minerals that are tied to our metabolic organs thyroid and adrenals, and any toxic metals that you have been exposed too that can be wreaking havoc on your optimal functioning.

HTMA Vitality Boost - $325

  • HTMA screen test and analysis

  • Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire - symptom questionnaire a part of my 6-Month Vitality Journey

  • 5-Day Food and Mood Journal synopsis

  • Dietary and lifestyle recommendations + 8-10 page recap correlating mineral levels to your nutritional results and how minerals impact our whole body

  • 60 minute review and recommendations call

  • 15 minute follow up call within 2 months.

HTMA Vitality Blueprint - $275

  • HTMA screen test and analysis

  • Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire - symptom questionnaire a part of my 6-Month Vitality Journey

  • Dietary and lifestyle recommendations + 8-10 page recap correlating mineral levels to your nutritional results and how minerals impact our whole body

  • 45 minute review/recommendations call

HTMA Retests*

I recommend an HTMA re-test 4-6 months after implementing your nutritional protocol. It is best to continue support where your body is at; progressing optimally. Keeping

Message me through your Practice Better dashboard for your re-test discount.

*HTMA retests are only available for current clients. If you’ve have had an HTMA test by another practitioner, please consider the HTMA Vitality Blueprint as your retest so I am able to get properly acquainted with you and your results. We can retest at a proper cadence.

***The HTMA is for informational purposes only and is not a diagnostic test.
Nutritional Therapy Practitioners do not diagnose, treat or cure any disease but we do provide impactful healing guidance from a root cause perspective.